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Sources for More Information

Bulletin #63: Living on the Edge—The Wildland/Urban Interface

A wealth of printed material has been published to help residents of the Interface become more proactive in protecting their homes from wildfire.

In all likelihood, material on this topic is available from your state forester’s office or your county Cooperative Extension office. The following sources are outstanding examples in print and links to websites and organizations that can provide more helpful information on all aspects of living safely and harmoniously at the Wildland/Urban Interface.


  • Protecting and Landscaping Homes in the Wildland/Urban Interface (University of Idaho Extension, Station Bulletin No. 67)
  • Where’s the Fire? Wise Choices Make Safe Communities (Pacific Southwest Research Station, U.S. Forest Service)
  • Fire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Selecting and Maintaining Plants for Landscaping (University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences)
  • Fire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Reducing Wildfire Risk While Achieving Other Landscaping Goals (University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences)
  • Firewise Landscaping for Utah–an online publication from Utah State University but with wide applicability


Forests at the Wildland-Urban Interface: Conservation and Management edited by Susan W. Vince, Mary L. Duryea, Edward A. Macie, and L. Annie Hermansen. CRC Press, 2000 N.W. Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431.

This 293-page book is probably the most comprehensive work available on all aspects of Interface issues and management suggestions.

Key Organizations

Firewise Landscaping

For a list of the best plants for home landscapes, contact the Cooperative Extension office in your state. Also be sure to check out the more general coverage at extension.

Two Helpful Wildfire Prevention Links

Some Links to Help Cope With Wildfire Dangers

Last Updated: 03/25/19

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