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Songbird Migration

Picture of a Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
Rose-Breasted Grosbeak

You'll hear the metallic-sounding "Eeek Eeek" of the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak Oklahoma, New Jersey, North Dakota, and in the mountains of Georgia, among other places.

These distinctive little birds spend their winters from Mexico, all the way down to Brazil. They are commonly seen in El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, and Columbia.

More Birds

Many of the songbirds we enjoy in our yards every summer spend their winters in the rain forests of Mexico, Central America, and South America.

Each spring, millions of these tiny birds return to our bushes, trees, and gardens seemingly out of nowhere. These amazing little world travelers have flown thousands of miles. Many fly nonstop. Others rest and eat during the day and fly at night with the stars as their guide to their summer homes in the United States.

View a Complete List of Migrating Birds

Threats to migrating birds

The National Humane Society reports that migrating flocks have declined by nearly 50 percent since the 1960's. It is believed that changes made to our natural landscapes, such as clearing and fragmenting forests and draining wetlands and clearing rain forests for sun-grown coffee in wintering locations have contributed greatly to this trend.

The National Wildlife Federation reports that over the past 20 years, a portion of our migratory birds have shifted their migration times and patterns, often leaving early for their northern homes and migrating to areas that they have not traditionally frequented. They attribute this to the climate change known as global warming.

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So what can I do?

  1. Save 2500 square feet of rain forest for every $10 you donate to The Arbor Day Foundation's Rain forest Rescue Program.
  2. Buy Arbor Day Gourmet Coffee. Our organic shade-grown coffee is grown in naturally preserved rain forests. You can enjoy its deep, rich flavor guilt-free, knowing that production is in accordance with conservation practices.
  3. Get your local media into the act. Encourage your local media to broadcast our public service announcements helping to spread our message to people everywhere.

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