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Backyard Woods Tip Sheets

These tip sheets provide more information on how to instill the practices included in the Backyard Woods Guide and are available for free download in PDF file format.

  1. Make a Master Plan file (509kb)
  2. Work Safely With a Chain Saw file (672kb)
  3. Protect Your Property from Wildfire file (445kb)
  4. Identify and Manage Hazardous Defects in Your Trees file (707kb)
  5. Keep Your Woods Healthy file (594kb)
  6. Attract Wildlife file (844kb)
  7. Protect Clean Water file (567kb)
  8. Help Your Preferred Trees Grow file (500kb)
  9. Prune Your Trees file (573kb)
  10. Plant Trees file (516kb)
  11. Grow and Collect Special Forest Products file (807kb)
  12. Generate Wood Products file (680kb)

If you have trouble with downloading any of these PDFs, you may need to upgrade your Adobe Reader. This is a free download from Adobe.

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