Create a better future

Planned Giving

monarch butterflies

Remember the planet in your will 

Choose how you want to include the Arbor Day Foundation in your will. 

  • Special Bequest: Allows you to discern exactly what you want to leave; a great tool for gifting a specific dollar amount or asset/piece of real estate
  • Residuary Bequest: Allows you to designate all or a specific portion of the remainder of your estate to an organization
  • Contingent Bequest: Allows a gift to be fulfilled if certain conditions are met (e.g., if your primary beneficiary does not survive you, you can select a contingent beneficiary)
man resting by a tree in the forest

Designate a Beneficiary 

Leave your mark by leaving the remaining funds in your retirement account to the Arbor Day Foundation through two different types of beneficiary designations. 

  • Primary Beneficiary: Allows you to name the Arbor Day Foundation as the beneficiary of either a stated percentage or the entire amount of a retirement asset 
  • Contingent Beneficiary: Allows you to name the Arbor Day Foundation as the beneficiary of either a stated percentage or the entire amount of a retirement asset, given that the primary beneficiaries do not survive you 
man and grandchild walking on fallen log in forest

Charitable Remainder Trust

This option allows your heirs to receive income for their lifetime(s). After that point, the remainder in the trust or annuity is distributed to the Arbor Day Foundation, which will use the funds to plant trees where they’ll do the most good. A qualified financial advisor can talk you through this option and help you set it up.