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Arbor Day Foundation Offers Volunteer Tree-Planting Kit

Arbor Day Foundation offers Volunteer Tree-planting Kit
Volunteer leaders and organizers of tree-planting events can find
helpful insights in a new offering from The National Arbor Day
Foundation. The Foundations new Tree-planting Resource Kit for
Volunteers, sponsored by Toyota, includes a Leadership Guide, a
Celebrate Arbor Day Guidebook, and a video to help motivate volunteers.
The kit is fully illustrated with dozens of drawings and photographs.

This kit will be a valuable tool for those who love planting
trees, and for those who enjoy working with committed volunteers,
Foundation President John Rosenow said. In this important resource,
volunteer leaders will find specific advice and information on the best
ways to plant trees, and tips on how to motivate and inspire
volunteers. with its practical, step-by-step approach, the kit has been
carefully designed for both veteran and first-time event organizers.

As part of the Volunteer Kit, the new Leadership Guide describes
the benefits of trees and offers a wide range of suggested tree-
planting events and projects, as well as advice on how to carry them
out and tips on working with volunteers and the media. The kit also
comes with reproducible sheets on topics from preparing a budget to
properly planting trees, and with easy-to-follow checklists for major

The video included in the volunteer Kit has been designed both to
inspire volunteers and to provide practical information on proper tree
planting techniques. It also offers colorful insights into the
importance of trees.

The Celebrate Arbor Day Guidebook is another important part of
the kit. It has long been used in celebrations around the country and
includes an Arbor Day play, a sample Arbor Day proclamation, the
history of the tree planters holiday, and poems and quotes suitable
for Arbor Day celebrations, speeches, and other events.

The Tree Planting Resource Kit for Volunteers is available for
$29.95 plus shipping and handling. For more information or to purchase
the kit, contact The National Arbor Day Foundation, 100 Arbor Avenue,
Nebraska City, NE 68410, tel. 402-474-5655, or order online at

About the Arbor Day Foundation

The Arbor Day Foundation is a global nonprofit inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. They foster a growing community of more than 1 million leaders, innovators, planters, and supporters united by their bold belief that a more hopeful future can be shaped through the power of trees. For more than 50 years, they’ve answered critical need with action, planting more than half a billion trees alongside their partners. And this is only the beginning. 

The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit pursuing a future where all life flourishes through the power of trees. Learn more at