Nebraska City, Neb. -- A record number of utility companies across the country were recognized by The National Arbor Day Foundation at the Trees and Utilities National Conference held last week at Lied Conference Center in Nebraska City, Nebraska. The Tree Line USA program recognizes utilities that practice quality tree care, provide annual worker training, and sponsor tree planting and public education programs. This year an additional 17 utilities have been certified to participate in the program.
The 82 utility companies recognized this year serve a combined total of more than 50 million American households. They include both investor-owned and public utilities of all sizes, ranging from those serving thousands of households in a single community to others providing service to millions of people in several states. These utilities have demonstrated their dedication to public education, tree planting, and quality tree care.
"The commitment of these Tree Line USA utilities to protect community trees while providing reliable service not only helps assure us of beautiful trees for the future, but also results in long-term operational savings for the utility," said Arbor Day Foundation President John Rosenow. Among actions taken by Tree Line utilities are strategic tree plantings to help homeowners reduce heating and cooling costs, partnerships with schools, and cooperation with local nurseries to teach homeowners which trees are suitable for planting near power lines.
The following is a regional listing of Tree Line USA utilities:
City of Redding Electric Utility; Los Angeles Department of Water & Power; Pacific Gas & Electric Company; Sacramento Municipal Utility District; and Southern California Edison.
Alliant Energy, serving Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin; Ameren, serving Missouri and Illinois; Brigham City Light & Power, Utah; City of Batavia Municipal Electric Utility, Illinois; City of Stoughton Utilities, Wisconsin; City of Westerville Electric Division, Ohio; City Utilities of Springfield, Missouri; City, Water, Light & Power, Illinois; Colorado Springs Utilities, Colorado; Columbia Water and Light, Missouri; ComEd, Illinois; Cuivre River Electric Cooperative, Missouri; Cuyahoga Falls Electric Department, Ohio; Detroit Edison, Michigan; First Energy, serving Ohio and Pennsylvania; Illinois Power Company; Independence Power & Light, Missouri; Madison Gas and Electric Company, Wisconsin; MidAmerican Energy Company, serving Iowa, Illinois, Nebraska, and South Dakota; Northern Indiana Public Service Company, Indiana; Omaha Public Power District, Nebraska; Richland Electric Cooperative, Wisconsin; Richmond Power & Light, Indiana; Vernon Electric Cooperative, Wisconsin; Village of Rantoul Public Works Electric Division, Illinois; Westar, Kansas; Wisconsin Electric Power Company; and Wisconsin Public Service Corporation, serving Michigan and Wisconsin.
Baltimore Gas and Electric, Maryland; Chicopee Electric Light, Massachusetts; Conectiv, serving Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Virginia; Duquesne Light Company, Pennsylvania; Long Island Power Authority, New York; National Grid USA, serving Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island; Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation, New York; NSTAR, Massachusetts; Orange and Rockland Utilities, serving New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania; and Pepco, serving the District of Columbia and Maryland.
NORTHWEST, INCLUDING ALASKA: Benton Public Utility District, Washington; Chugach Electric Association, Alaska; City of Forest Grove Light and Power, Oregon; Clark Public Utilities, Washington; Consumers Power, Oregon; Idaho Power Company, serving Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon; Matanuska Electric Association, Alaska; PacifiCorp, serving California, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming; Peninsula Light Company, Washington; Puget Sound Energy, Washington; PUD #1 of Chelan County, Washington; and Snohomish County PUD District
No. 1, Washington.
Alabama Power Company; Bristol Electric System, Tennessee; Cleveland Utilities, Tennessee; City of Alexandria, Louisiana; Dyersburg Electric System, Tennessee; Entergy Corporation, serving Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas; Gaffney Board of Public Works, South Carolina; Gainesville Regional Utilities, Florida; Knoxville Utilities Board, Tennessee; Lakeland Electric, Florida; Opelika Light & Power Department, Alabama; and Orlando Utilities Commission, Florida.
Arizona Public Service, Arizona; Austin Energy, Texas; Central Power and Light, Texas; City Public Service of San Antonio, Texas; Edmond Electric, Oklahoma; OG&E Electric Services, Oklahoma; ONCOR, Texas; PeopleÂ’s Electric Cooperative, Oklahoma; Provo City Power Company, Utah; Public Service Company of New Mexico; Public Service Company of Oklahoma; Salt River Project, Arizona; Southwestern Electric Power Company, serving Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas; West Texas Utilities, Texas; and Xcel Energy, serving Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
The National Arbor Day Foundation sponsors Tree Line USA in cooperation with the National Association of State Foresters. The Arbor Day Foundation is a million-member, nonprofit education organization dedicated to tree planting and environmental stewardship. Additional information on the Foundation and its programs is available by calling 402-474-5655 or by visiting the FoundationÂ’s Web site,
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About the Arbor Day Foundation
The Arbor Day Foundation is a global nonprofit inspiring people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees. They foster a growing community of more than 1 million leaders, innovators, planters, and supporters united by their bold belief that a more hopeful future can be shaped through the power of trees. For more than 50 years, they’ve answered critical need with action, planting more than half a billion trees alongside their partners. And this is only the beginning.
The Arbor Day Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit pursuing a future where all life flourishes through the power of trees. Learn more at