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8 Reasons To Plant a Tree This Arbor Day
Trees make a world of difference. We all have a responsibility to take care of our planet for current and future generations. If ever there was a time to plant trees, now is that time. We encourage you to get out and plant a tree this Arbor Day.
April 26, 2019
Happy Arbor Day!
Today marks the 147th national Arbor Day, America’s oldest environmental holiday. When J. Sterling Morton organized the first Arbor Day back in 1872 in Nebraska City, he did it with the hopes that it would inspire others to plant trees. And it did. One man’s passion for trees has inspired millions of others to take action.
Today, people around the world will be planting and celebrating trees. And for good reason, trees may be simplest solution to solving the most critical problems our planet faces.
Here are 8 reasons to go out and plant a tree this Arbor Day.
- Clean Air and Water
Air and water provide the essentials of life. Trees remove pollutants from the air and absorb sediments in the soil, giving us clean air and water. When trees start to disappear, the quality of our air and water declines.
2. Offset Carbon
Each of us produces carbon emissions every day. When you turn on a light, turn on your computer, or start your car, you are using energy, which results in carbon emissions. Globally, carbon accounts for more than 50 BILLION metric tons of emissions every year. That’s a lot of carbon. But trees absorb carbon and convert it into oxygen. More clean air, please.
3. Reduce Stormwater
Trees cut stormwater runoff by absorbing excess rain and then filtering and storing the water in soil. Community trees intercept rain at twice the rate of trees in forested areas.
4. Safer Neighborhoods
The causes of crime are complex, but growing evidence shows a relationship between neighborhood structure, social control, and crime. Outdoor spaces with natural landscapes see less graffiti, vandalism, and littering than in comparable plant-less spaces. Plus, they look great.
5. Cooler Cities
Urban heat islands and increased urbanization have led to warmer cities. Trees lower air temperatures through transpiration. When it’s hot out, trees can reduce the temperature by as much as 7.2° F. We’ll take it.
6. Less Stress
Stress can be a daily strain for many people whether its from school, work, family, or health. But its especially common for people living in cities. City dwellers have a 21 percent greater risk for anxiety disorders. The good news is, trees have a therapeutic effect on human hypertension. The closer people live to an urban green space, the lower their stress is.
7. Lower Energy Use
Energy use is on the rise, partly because of intensifying temperatures. Cities will feel the effects of it the most. But community trees and forests can reduce energy use. Trees cut residential energy use by an average of 7.2 percent, how nifty.
8. Curb Appeal
Trees are beautiful. They make the places we live and work feel like home. They also increase property value. Having large trees in yards along streets can increase a home’s value from 3 percent to 15 percent.
Trees make a world of difference. We all have a responsibility to take care of our planet for current and future generations. If ever there was a time to plant trees, now is that time. We encourage you to get out and plant a tree this Arbor Day.