The idea behind fair trade products is to help producers in developing countries receive better pricing and make a positive impact on the economic and environmental conditions of their communities. These principles are at the core of our Arbor Day Foundation Coffee.
The financial security and livelihood of those living in the rain forest are important to maintaining rain forest conservation practices. And we know the vital role coffee production plays in both conservation and economic stability. When farmers earn more, their communities are able to invest in sustainable farming practices and are less inclined to participate in deforestation or unsustainable logging.
To help support conservation efforts, we pay additional bonuses to farmers based on the quality of their coffee and their participation in green practices. Essentially, they receive a better price for better coffee produced in a better way. We work closely with our coffee farmers to help them meet our standards — improving coffee quality and reducing environmental impacts. As a result, farmers are able to use these earnings to improve the standard of living in their communities by building schools, supporting medical centers, and improving water quality.
We visit the coffee farms and communities every year to ensure they are successfully meeting our standards and commitment. Our open relationship with farmers also helps build opportunities for sharing successes and addressing issues with producers who may face challenges in meeting the program’s criteria. These are strategic partnerships we are dedicated to growing as a way to create a solid foundation for building environmental and social health in coffee communities.
So the next time you brew a cup, think about what your coffee can do. If it’s fair trade coffee from the Arbor Day Foundation, it is supporting a sustainable, fair trade coffee program that is saving rain forests.
Visit to learn more about how we’re changing lives and the impact our coffee makes.