Did you know that August marks American Adventures Month? American Adventures month was started by adventurer Peter Kulkkula as an initiative to celebrate and explore American lands. With more than 400 national forests and state parks and hundreds of wilderness areas, there is so much to be explored. Our nation’s forests are a beautiful place to start.
Forests are full of natural wonder and recreational opportunities. In 2016, national forests saw an estimated 148 million recreation visits.
Forests filter our water. More than 180 million Americans depend on forest watersheds for their drinking water.
Forests are the largest natural carbon sinks in the world. National forests sequester more than 50 million metric tons of carbon every year. Slowing climate change and cleaning the air.
7 Natural Adventures to Visit This Summer
Forest are home to unique wildlife habitat. National forests provide food, cover, and water for one-third of all federally listed threatened or endangered species.
These Animals are Disappearing from North American Forests
Forests are livelihood. Restoration and maintenance means the creation of new jobs and security of existing jobs.
Summer might be winding down, but that doesn’t mean you can’t squeeze in some last escapades in our nation’s greatest wonders. Forests are the future. And we’re doing all that we can to protect them. Visit Replanting our Forests to learn how you can help.