Our nursery is blooming with fresh arrivals. SHOP SPRING FAVORITES
(Malus x domestica)
The lodi apple —a hybrid of the yellow transparent and montomgery apple —is a popular choice used in baking pies and making applesauce for their ability to cook down quickly. These yellowish-green apples have a soft, white flesh and sweet-tart taste.
Here are a few things to note if you’re considering adding one to your yard.
Environmental Factors
- The Lodi grows well in moist, well-drained soil. It is not drought tolerant (hardiness zones 3-8).
- This is a medium growing tree, growing up to two feet a year and reaching 20-25’ at maturity. Check out our fruit spacing guideto ensure it has plenty of space to flourish.
- Prefers full sun, preferably 6-8 hours of direct sunlight every day.
Physical Attributes
- Blooms white/pink flowers early in the season, yields fruit July-August.
- Available in standard, semi-dwarf and dwarf sizes. Standard size bears fruit in 6-10 years. Will need a second tree to cross-pollinate to produce apples. Can pollinate with a variety of apples including red Jonathan or early harvest.
- Has a short shelf life, but freezes well.
Do you have an awesome apple recipe? We’d love to hear it!