This is an excerpt from the November/December Arbor Day Foundation Newsletter. Sign up for the Arbor Day e-news to get the full edition right to your inbox.
Norway Spruce
Norway Spruce was so loved by early pioneers that it was often brought over from Europe and planted on new homesteads. Sometimes called “mother and father trees,” a pair might still mark the spot where a farmhouse once stood. Its somber appearance or formal dignity has also made it a favorite in cemeteries.
Its shape, color, and density make it a desirable Christmas tree. Its tolerance for drought and various soil textures and its dense branching pattern also make it a good addition to windbreaks and, where space allows, either a specimen tree or part of a border in the home landscape.
Visit the tree guide to see if it’s a good fit for your yard.
The Smallest and Largest Tree City USA Communities
THE TREE CITY USA PROGRAM is designed to encourage the planting and care of trees in communities of all sizes. This is the theme of this year’s Tree City USA Bulletin Annual Report. The publication highlights the number of communities now honored with the Tree City USA designation or the Growth Award for going beyond the four basic standards. Tree Line USA is also included, showing an unprecedented 145 utilities that now qualify by following standards for tree care around line clearing. Special features in this year’s annual report are the inspiring stories of Colorado State University’s achievements as one of 379 institutions qualifying for the Tree Campus USA® award and Caguas, Puerto Rico — a Sterling Community — having earned the Growth Award for 10 consecutive years.
Read: Why Tree City USA? Why YOUR City?
The Greeting Card That Gives Back
GIVE-A-TREE® CARDS FROM THE ARBOR DAY FOUNDATION allow you to send holiday greetings while making a positive impact on our world. Each card will plant a tree in honor of the recipient in one of our nation’s forests in desperate need of restoration due to wildfires, disease, or other natural disasters. We offer a variety of occasions to choose from, including many beautiful holiday designs sure to delight your friends, colleagues, and loved ones. All Give-A-Tree Cards can be customized with a photo or message to add a personal touch.
Our National Forests are one of our greatest treasures. They clean our air. They beautify our landscapes. They help purify the water that more than 180 million Americans drink every day. And every Give-A-Tree Card plants a tree to replace one that has been lost. This holiday season, send your Give-A-Tree Cards as gifts that last a lifetime.
Cards can be purchased for as little as $3 each. To see all of our designs and place your order, visit