International Day of Forests is March 21. Celebrate by planting for others. PLANT TREES
This podcast is part of the Trees are Key series hosted by Paul Johnson of the Texas A&M Forest Service.
Water is key to healthy trees, too much and too little water look very similar. Too little water means the tree can’t pull water out of the ground and it doesn’t have enough to photosynthesize or carry nutrients. Too much water means there’s too little air in the soil and the roots suffocate. Similar symptoms caused by opposite conditions — flood and drought.
Water is vital for the success of our trees. In this podcast find out how, when and how much to water your trees, and when you don’t need to bother.
You’ll also learn how to test your sprinkler system in order to run it the appropriate length of time.
Watch Ask an Arborist: How do I Know if my Trees Need Water?
Join Paul (@treevangelist), during #treechat on Twitter every Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Central Time. Search for #treechat and use the hashtag to join the conversation!