Knot Garden
The Knot Garden is a great landscaping centerpiece that adds color to your landscape all year long. The combination of the unique elegant design and Korean Boxwoods, Blue Hydrangea, and Yoshino Cherry trees make this design a classic.

Design Information
Planting Specifications
- Hardiness Zone: 6–8
- Sun Exposure: Full sun
- Space needed: 30 feet by 15 feet
- Required topography: Flat to gently sloping
The Knot Garden begins with a 30’ x 15’ rectangle. Each corner of the rectangle is connected to the opposing corner with a straight line. Each of the 15’ sides of the rectangle has a 7’6” radius. See diagram in plan.
The Knot Garden shape can be roughly formed on the ground with a rope or garden hose. Once the shape is laid out to match the diagram, paint the shape on the ground with marking spray paint. Then install the plant material along the paint lines.
Recommended Use & Design Principal
The Knot Garden is a fantastic centerpiece for any flat to gently sloping location in your yard where it is desired to add year-round brilliance. The Knot Garden adds flowering interest by way of a classic approach.
The Korean Boxwoods form a low evergreen hedge intersecting in the center of the Knot at a Blue Hydrangea.
The Blue Hydrangea will bloom beautiful shades of blue during the summer months.
Two Yoshino Cherries flank either side of the Blue Hydrangea and add to the overall flowering component with clouds of white blooms in the spring.
Add annuals or perennials in the areas between the Korean Boxwoods to extend the bloom time and overall interest of this garden feature.
Peak Time(s)
- Yoshino Cherry: white bloom
- Blue Hydrangea: blue bloom
The Knot Garden can be modified to work with existing flowering trees in place of the suggested Yoshino Cherries.
The Knot Garden can be modified to work with an existing flowering shrub or garden centerpiece such as a bird bath in place of the suggested Blue Hydrangea.
The Knot Garden can be modified by utilizing Glossy Abelia in place of the suggested Korean Boxwoods.