Celebrate International Day of Forests by planting for others. PLANT TREES
Trees in Communities
Tree City USA
Cultivate civic pride by becoming an official Tree City, and commit to a community that’s healthier, happier, and more livable.

Growing communities
A city that takes care of its trees takes care of its people. Since 1976, the Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA program has recognized and supported the cities and leaders who create places to play, room to breathe, and beauty on every block.
Our four standards have empowered more than 3,500 cities to create and maintain tree cover. From Sibley, North Dakota (population 20) to New York City, and everywhere in between, Tree City USA helps communities demonstrate and promote their commitment to a greener place to call home.
Our Standards
Leadership in Action
Commitment requires accountability. We’ve crafted our four core standards to be inclusive of all sizes of communities while ensuring consistency across all our partners.
Build Your Team
Tree City USA partners will delegate tree care to a combination of professional foresters or arborists, city departments, and citizen-led tree boards. This official designation ensures accountability, consistency, and clarity in tree maintenance decisions on city-owned property.
Set Your Standards
A public tree care ordinance creates consistent guidelines around planting, maintaining, and removing trees in public spaces. This official policy creates visibility to your efforts and transparency for citizens. These ordinances should be flexible and evolving, accounting for long-term needs and changing landscapes.
Establish a Dedicated Forestry Budget
Trees aren’t an expense, they’re an investment in the health, comfort, and viability of a community. That’s why Tree City USA partners allocate a $2 per capita minimum budget towards community forestry, helping to cover expenses around planting and maintaining green spaces.
Celebrate Arbor Day
Party like it’s 1872! That’s when communities across the country began celebrating Arbor Day, and our Tree Cities take part with everything from official proclamations to week-long celebrations. These events can help bring visibility and credit to tree management efforts and can be used to honor dedicated volunteers or civil servants.
Why join?
The Pride of the City
People love to live in a city that takes pride in itself. Here’s what becoming a Tree City USA community can mean for the place you call home:
A foundation for the future
Putting our four standards in place now sets your city up to be an environmental leader tomorrow. Becoming a Tree City creates a legacy for your community.
A network of support
Recognition means joining a nationwide network of leaders like you, where you can get advice, support, and ideas.
A community that cares
Involving and educating citizens on the importance of trees gives them an opportunity to come together for planting and maintenance, and make trees a community effort.
Recognized Tree Cities
Trees planted annually
Invested in trees this year
Of the U.S. lives in a Tree City
Put Your City on the Map
We started with 42 communities in 16 states. Nearly half a century later, Tree City USA partners can be found in all 50 states, making an enormous impact across America.
Explore the map to find communities that share your commitment to trees.
Hear from Leaders Like You
Getting Started
When it comes to committing your community to trees, there’s no time to waste. But we’re here to help with these resources:
State Urban Forestry Coordinators
Find your state urban forestry coordinator to start the conversation.
Shop Tree City USA
Already a partner? Share your pride with flags, shirts, magnets, and more.
Arbor Day proclamation
Download sample language for your city or town’s Arbor Day proclamation.
Sample ordinances
Find examples of municipal tree ordinances for cities with and without tree boards.
Qualified expenses
See expenses that can be counted to meet standard three for an annual tree care budget.
Application checklist
Reference a handy list of everything your municipality needs to apply for recognition.
Tree City USA Partners
Tree City USA is an Arbor Day Foundation Program in cooperation with the USDA Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters.
Apply today
Let’s Dig In
Your first step towards becoming a Tree City starts here. Fill out the application and you’ll be on your way to being a nationally recognized conservation leader.
Sign up
Stay Informed
Our Community Forestry Connection newsletter keeps you up to date on programs, best practices, and opportunities for conservation leadership.