Why should I plan? Your backyard woods is like a garden that needs to be tended to get the best results.
By weeding, adding new trees and shrubs, managing insects and diseases, and harvesting products, you’ll help nature create the backyard woods that meets your needs and wants.
Even if you are contented with your backyard woods today, it will change over time. As trees and the associated plants sprout, grow, and die, other plants and wildlife will replace some of the trees and wildlife you currently enjoy. Brush will fill in the trails. Trees will invade your favorite berry-picking spots or obscure your favorite view. Your trees may become over¬crowded, lose their vigor, and become susceptible to insects and diseases.
Caring for your backyard woods can take a lot of time and money. A master plan will help you focus on what is important to you and your family. It will help you organize the work so that it is manageable and fits your budget and available time.
In This Bulletin
Here’s what’s inside:
- How do I get started? – basic questions to get thinks moving
- What are my objectives for my woods? – getting specific about your goals for the space
- What do I have on my property? – assessing what is already there and sketching a map
- What will I do? – aligning the plan with the objectives
- Can I get help with my plan? – the types of assistance you may need along the way
- Sample 10-Year Activity Plan