bare root planting hands
planting potted trees thumbnail
call 811 graphic


A few days before you dig, call 811 to avoid any underground lines. 

Illustration dig wide hole


Dig a hole about three to four times as wide as the container with sloping slides.

illustration gently remove tree from container

Remove from pot

Lay your tree’s container on its side and tap to loosen the roots. Gently remove the tree and try to keep the soil around the roots intact. Sometimes, potted trees become root-bound. To loosen things up, cut a shallow X with a sharp knife across the bottom of the root ball and score four vertical slices along the sides. 

illustration position containerized tree


Center your tree in the hole and adjust the depth so the root collar (where the uppermost roots grow out of the trunk) sits even with the ground. 

illustration fill hole


Fill and firmly pack the hole until the soil is at ground level. Form a circular ridge of soil about 3 feet from the base of the tree to keep water from running away. 

illustration water tree

Mulch & Water

Remove grass within 3 feet around the tree and add natural mulch about 2 to 4 inches deep. Keep mulch from touching the trunk. 

Water daily for the first two weeks. Then, water every three to seven days during the first year. Tip: set a reminder, like "Water Wednesdays."

trim tags

Remove Tags

Remove any tags and labels from the tree as these will affect the tree as it grows. You may need to prune any broken or dead branches.

trees in buckets ready to be planted

What if I can’t plant right away? 

Keep your tree in a cool, shaded place until you’re ready to plant. Remember to water your tree regularly to prevent the roots from drying.  

A better future is ready to be planted 

Making the world better can start by planting a tree at home. Help keep it going by helping us plant trees around the world.