tree campus healthcare hero
walking the grounds
How it works

The Tree Campus Journey

To earn your first year of Tree Campus recognition, you'll build and implement your plan to meet the five program standards throughout the year, submit your application in the fall or winter, and celebrate your accomplishments in the spring. To see if you're ready to start, take our Readiness Quiz. Creating your account now so you can start documenting progress will make the process easier when it's time to apply.

Take the Readiness Quiz

This quick quiz is a great first step for your organization. It takes just a few minutes to find out how ready your facility and staff are to become a Tree Campus, and you’ll get a preview of what areas your program will need to focus on.

Put Your Team Together

Trees are a team effort. Start by establishing a Tree Campus Advisory Committee, including interested staff members, volunteers, community advocates, and any facility managers already in place. Bring together a diverse team to help bring your program to life.

Set a Vision

Plot out a future for your facility that includes a dedicated plan for creating, maintaining, and growing green spaces on your campus. A Facility Tree Care Plan includes standards, best practices, goals, and more for your Tree Campus, and is critical in communicating your vision to your staff and broader community.

Your plan should also account for funding projects, education events and more. We recommend – but don’t require – an annual expenditure of $2 per employee. 

Get into the Community

Demonstrate your position as a wellness leader with a Community Forestry Project. As part of becoming a Tree Campus, your organization will lead at least one community forestry project, such as a tree planting or tree maintenance event. Projects like these bring credibility to your mission and connection to your community. Don’t forget to take photos of the event for your application!

Celebrate the Power of Trees

Bring your healthcare community together to celebrate trees and their positive, holistic impact. Whether you celebrating on Arbor Day or at some other time, or by supporting existing celebrations or creating your own, these events are a great opportunity for your campus to be a community leader in the connections between nature and health.

Send in Your Application

Tree Campus Healthcare applications can be submitted in the late fall, but you can upload documentation of activities and events throughout the year. Once everything is included in your application, click submit, and we’ll be in touch. If you’re recognized, you can start promoting your accomplishments to your community leading into the next year.

Enjoy Today, Plan for Tomorrow

We’ll inform you as soon as we’ve reviewed your application materials. From there, it’s time to celebrate with your team and look ahead to next year. Take time to appreciate all the work your team has done. Think through what went well and where you'd like to grow for next year's application.

The Campus Connection

In addition to healthcare facilities, the Tree Campus program is also active in all 50 states on college campuses and in K-12 schools. Here’s the nationwide network of campuses you’ll be joining:

Healthcare facilities in many states are making massive strides in making their grounds more tree-friendly. Here’s what our partners have done in the last year:


Recognized facilities


Trees planted


States with a recognized institution

Why Facilities Love Tree Campus

It is our business to be talking about trees and health. As leaders in healthcare in East Texas, we need to be responsible for everything we take care of — it falls within our mission.

Aaron Martinez
Certified Grounds Manager, CHRISTUS Trinity Mother Frances Health System

We ultimately are trying to impact the health of the population that we serve. Improving air quality, reducing carbon pollution, and improving water quality benefits everyone and can be accomplished through tree planting.

Jon Utech
Senior Director, Office for a Healthy Environment, Cleveland Clinic

Trees impact safety, beauty, quality of life … our residents, employees, and the public benefit when we invest in community trees.

Donna Hibbs
Vice President of Grounds and Landscaping, Masonic Homes of Kentucky
Apply today

Ready to Start?

When you create an account, you take an important step towards becoming a Tree Campus – even if you’re not ready to apply yet. Get the resources you need to get ready and start your plan.

Tree Campus Healthcare is an Arbor Day Foundation program in cooperation with our exclusive professional partner, The Davey Tree Expert Company, and alongside our partners at the Professional Grounds Management Society, Practice Greenhealth, and the USDA Forest Service.

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Our Community Forestry Connection newsletter keeps you up to date on programs, best practices, and opportunities for conservation leadership.