Like you, wildlife requires food, water, shelter, and space.
Your backyard woods has all of these things and is likely already home to a host of wildlife species. But not all woods are created equal. In some, wildlife merely survives. In others, it thrives.
No matter how large or small your backyard woods, there are choices you can make and actions you can take to increase the number and variety of wildlife species. Getting to know the local wildlife and the capabilities of your land, setting clear objectives, and understanding your options will help you maximize the appeal of your backyard woods to wildlife.
Planning is key. Remember that every piece of land has its limits, and all the things you want may not be possible. Sound planning will help you avoid disappointments down the road.
In This Bulletin
Here’s what’s inside:
- Get to know the local wildlife – learning what lives in your area
- Learn the lay of your land – understanding what you have
- Understand your options – identify what you can do to provide food, water, shelter, and space for wildlife